Greetings, Salutations and what not...

Hi, I'm Windy Hamilton and I write sci-fi books/short stories, kids books & human interest articles. Here you will find articles about my adventures in helping to rebuild a farm! Welcome, and please let me know what you think...

Monday, July 12, 2010

What do you believe?

I have begun to think the world is always waiting for someone to apologize for things it did or might have done. Always waiting for compensation for the destruction that the evil of this world has ravaged. The problem with a world view like that is people forget it is often an individual or small group who owes the apology and not the larger masses. What I'm trying to say is that it all begins with one person stepping up and saying something. Then that person gets someone to listen to them who then may or may not agree. It escalates from there until it either is resolved or snuffed out. Evil things have been done by individuals with the help of those who they were able to convince. Hitler, Mao and Stalin to name a few (who combined were responsible for more than 94 million deaths).

This pattern works for good individuals too, but often we don't hear their names as much as we hear the bad ones. People like Sister Theresa, Abraham Lincoln, Jim Henson, Helen Keller, Mahatma Ghandi, Albert Einstein, and Louis Pasteur made their mark on the world while trying not to harm it or those who live on it. There is a lot to be said about those who choose to create over those who choose to destroy or bring chaos. They are the foundation of what human kind considers the most valuable. Good vs Evil.

I thank God that there are more good people then there are bad ones. I stand up right now and yell it to the mountains and all who can hear me...
I believe in Love, Peace, Hope, Compassion and Mercy! I believe in myself and my heart's ability to keep me in line! I believe in you, and your ability to become more than you are! I believe that there is nothing more valuable than the ability to trust and love one another!
I believe in holding babies close and breathing deep. I believe in sitting on the porch on a summer day drinking iced tea with your family and laughing at life's little ironies. I believe in telling those you care about that you love them. I believe in driving down the road and singing along with a happy tune. I believe in taking time to listen to your fellow man (or woman) and interacting with them on a personal level. I believe in giving a damn. I believe this so strongly that I will never waiver from this, nor will I ask another human being to do so. I believe. Do you?

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