Greetings, Salutations and what not...

Hi, I'm Windy Hamilton and I write sci-fi books/short stories, kids books & human interest articles. Here you will find articles about my adventures in helping to rebuild a farm! Welcome, and please let me know what you think...

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Meat of the Matter or Icing on the Cake

Let me ask you a question.  If you were to go into a Jewish deli and request food that wasn't Kosher, would you be surprised or upset at not getting it...most likely not.  If you were to go into a Muslim owned shop and request bacon and not get it, would you be surprised or know you wouldn't. Because you KNOW that those stores do not provide those services due to religious beliefs.

Let's get real folks.  In this country we are allowed to offer up any type of service or food stock we wish.  It is up to the consumer to support them by buying those products or to not support them by refusing to purchase their products.  This is the law of supply and demand. It is the basis that this country is founded on. 

The owners of the businesses are allowed to offer the products of their choice and often that choice may be dictated by how they live their life and their beliefs. 

That being said... No one has the right to tell a business that they 'have' to offer the product a customer wants. 

Once you cross that line you are then responsible for ALL businesses to provide the identical material and products and we lose the individuality of the artist.  The ingenuity of the creative chef or artisan or carpenter... is gone.

That is not where I want to be folks.  I would hope you felt the same.  IF a company or store doesn't provide what you want, go somewhere else.  You do not have the right to 'run them out of business' or 'force them to view the world as you do'.  We live in a free country and that means that EACH person's rights are to be protected up to the point where they do not trod on the rights of another. 

We created this country for that right, and we are systematically destroying it by not protecting the rights of the artisans and store owners.  To those people who are 'targeting' Christian bakeries and such... you need to remember that what you start will backfire. For example bakeries that do not offer have to offer services to Christians (such as a gay bakery) will HAVE to offer goods to Christians as well.  It goes both ways.  Your actions are destroying the rights of everyone...including those you are trying to protect.  By continuing this behavior you're being bullies and you are acting like a child throwing a tantrum.

What happens with that child?  People 'placate' the child to get them to shut up and then when the child is no longer paying attention they fix what the child broke.  Real change doesn't happen because you throw a tantrum. 

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