Greetings, Salutations and what not...

Hi, I'm Windy Hamilton and I write sci-fi books/short stories, kids books & human interest articles. Here you will find articles about my adventures in helping to rebuild a farm! Welcome, and please let me know what you think...

Saturday, July 17, 2010

There's Nothing Like it!

I am never surprised by the demands of the world on the human body. I mean lets face it, there's nothing like really having to pee when you can't get off the phone! The fact that we race higgledee piggledee to work everyday, and then calmly walk in the door like we weren't just huffing and puffing in the parking lot to make it through the door on time is something we expect. We sacrifice the well being of our bodies and minds in tiny bits for the things around us that we feel are worth it.

Nothing wrong with that I guess, but lately I've been wondering how much of a toll those little things have on the human body. Are they the reason I'm deteriorating? Can I blame my little aches and pains on my little abuses here and there? It can't possibly be that I'm getting, it must be something else!

When I was young I often looked at my hands contemplating the smooth skin. To me they lacked character. Now I look at them and think, 'ok, that's enough character, now stop getting older'. Little lines and wrinkles, achy joints and dry cuticles make them look and feel far older than I'd like. But I can't really blame them on daily activities. Its just old age creeping up on me. I'm turning ## this year (and yes I'm not telling!) Having reached and passed the 40 mark, I look at my life and am pleased at how I have lived it...for the most part.  I'm ok with the marks of time that give my body a sense of character. I just wish I could get rid of this nagging feeling that something else is gonna droop or stopping work right in the near future!

It is almost like Mother Nature is hanging around the bend waiting to sprinkle a few more wrinkles and age mementos the moment I get around the corner. I just wish I had an arsenal to fight her off. I'd hold up my bazooka like cannon and state in a loud, authoritative voice, "Ok, don't come any closer. I'm good. I have all the character I need! Back off and let me enjoy where I am right now' ...Bang! Wouldn't that be fantastic. I think I'll just sit here and daydream about that for awhile...

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